Sunday, October 13, 2013

Elf Baked Eye Shadow

I found these baked eyeshadows at my local Target for $3 each. I tried one and loved it so much I decided to get a few more colors. 

These baked eyeshadows can be used wet or dry. You'll see that some eye shadows work wet. That means you can lightly spray your brush with water and dip it into the shadow. It makes the shadow more intense and if it has a metallic sheen in it, the metallic will show up even better. 

Here are the three colors I use. 

Burnt Plum



I love these colors. I use the Burnt Plum all over the lid and it's a beautiful fall color. These are really cheap and a great quality. 
Have you tried these?  What do you think?
Thanks for reading. 

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